Contact Us
Your opinions, concerns and questions matter to us. Take a moment to drop us a line by filling out the form.
If you need to talk to someone right now, you will find phone numbers below to the most frequented offices.
Telephone Numbers
Area Code 479
Don't see the number you need? Search our online directories.
Accounts Payable: 575-2551
Admissions: 575-5346
Alumni Association: 575-2801
Athletics: 575-3755
Carnall Hall
Ella's Restaurant: 582-1400
The Inn at Carnall Hall: 582-0400
Bookstore: 575-2155
Cashier: 575-5651
University IT Services Help Desk: 575-2905
Financial Aid & Scholarships: 575-3806
Health Center: 575-4451
Housing: 575-4687
Fraud Hotline (Confidential): 866-252-9838
Libraries 575-4104
New Student and Family Programs: 575-5002
Office of Non-Traditional and Commuter Students: 575-7351
Payroll: 575-5351
Purchasing: 575-2551
Research and Economic Development: 575-5901
Registrar: 575-5451
Scholarships: 575-4464
Treasurer: 575-7508
University Relations: 575-5555
Campus Directory Assistance — 479-575-2000
We provide available phone numbers and assistance in finding various campus contacts,
departments, facilities, and resources.
Media Inquiries — 479-575-5555
Interview requests and media questions are coordinated by the Office of University
University Police — 479-575-2222
Call us for non-emergencies. For emergencies, please call 911.